Thursday, April 30, 2009

Obama:     Let the Mexican flu pour in to the U.S.!

Many people have said long before now that we should close the border with Mexico to halt the flow of new Mexican flu cases coming into the United States -- while we battle to control and stop the cases that are already here.

When asked about closing the border to reduce the number of cases coming into the United States, Obama said that "would be akin to closing the barn door after the horses are out, because we already have cases here in the United States."

No, Obama! That would be more like closing the flood gates to stop more water from pouring in and flooding our homes and cities.

We aren't worried about the horses escaping the barn, we are worried about stopping the flow of new flu cases crossing our borders while we try to contain, treat, and reduce or stop the spread of new cases to more American citizens and our schools!

Schools and public events in Mexico have already been closed to reduce the spread of the flu. ABC news reported that the Mexican government has now taken even more drastic action, ordering all nonessential businesses to close.

Schools across America are already shutting down to reduce and minimize contact with those who have the flu, in an effort to contain and eventually stop the spread of this killer flu to even more Americans.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon, who has been criticized for his low profile during the crisis, addressed the nation Wednesday night and told Mexicans to stay home. "There is no safer place to protect yourself against catching swine flu than in your house," he said.

If you're trying to protect the lives of your family by avoiding contact with those who have the flu, would you then open the door of your home and welcome inside those already infected with the virus to increase the chances one of them could infect you and your family? No!

No responsible and sane person would do that!

So why does Obama want to keep the doors open to our home -- the Untied States -- and allow more infected people to spread the disease while our doctors, hospitals, and medical facilities we are working to treat, contain, and stop the spread of this deadly flu virus?

Speaking out of both sides of his mouth, Obama also said: "Our public health officials have recommended that schools with confirmed or suspected cases of this flu strongly consider temporarily closing."

Vice-President Biden is telling Americans to avoid contact with those who might be carrying the disease; although, it is true that Biden is older and more experienced than Obama!

Which is it Obama? Close our schools to reduce the spread of the virus, or keep the flood gates open and allow more infected cases to pour across our borders? ! ! !

Perhaps Obama is right -- this time. Perhaps Obama has waited too long, and it's now too late to reduce the spread of the Mexican flu to more Americans by closing our borders. The Obama administration should have taken that and other more aggressive actions sooner -- before the flu had spread.

Rather than out playing golf, Obama should have been more personally involved and proactive in managing this crisis during its earlier stages!

We all know, talk is cheap, and... Obama is certainly a good talker!


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