Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Obama administration: flu deaths an opportunity

What do you do if you're Obama and an "inconvenient" flu outbreak draws attention from yourself and threatens to disrupt your own celebration and media spectacular being staged to pat yourself on the back for having "saved the world" during your first 100 days in office?

Why, you turn the suffering, death, fear, and misery of others into yet another "opportunity" to proclaim to the world how great YOU are!

The Washington Post notes: "...Obama's efforts to control the message around his 100th day in office is 'complicated' by the swine flu."

White House Cheat Sheet: Swine Flu Snafu?

"With less than 24 hours before President Obama celebrates his 100th day in office, the wall-to-wall coverage of the swine flu threatens to swamp efforts out of the White House to frame the president's accomplishments."

While the White House has argued for much of the last several weeks that they pay little attention to phony measuring sticks like the 100 days -- White House senior adviser David Axelrod famously referred to Wednesday as a "Hallmark holiday" -- there is clear evidence that the administration is seeking to capitalize on the attention being paid to the day by the media.

Obama is scheduled to attend a town hall meeting in St. Louis, Mo. (a critical swing state in 2008 and likely again in 2012) Wednesday morning and then jet back to Washington that evening for the third prime-time press conference of his presidency.

All of that activity is aimed at one thing: ensuring that the White House's preferred message on what the first 100 days means is the one that most Americans consume on Wednesday.

Capitalize on the fear, misery, suffering, and death of others...

The White House said that both Wednesday's town hall meeting and the prime-time press conference are still on but, of course, that plan could change depending on the severity of the swine flu and the public's reaction to it.

...not to say that the swine flu has destroyed what would have been a banner week for the Obama administration. In every crisis there is opportunity -- to paraphrase White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel -- and that is of course true with the swine flu.

"I don't think it hurts at all," said Democratic consultant Phil Singer of the swine flu. "Instead of being a retrospective on the last 100 days, the President can use the milestone to demonstrate his leadership skills in real time."

Never let it be said that Obama -- The Great Manipulator -- and his Left-Wing staff aren't experts at manipulating the news to fuel their Liberal agenda and feed Obama's Narcissistic personality and needs!

Perhaps instead of celebrating, Obama could talk about how those people with the flu have "complicated" his efforts get his own message out and to pat himself on the back!

Just watching and listening to Obama is enough to make one sick!


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