Thursday, April 16, 2009

CNN TEA Party Reporter Should Be Fired!

Here's an example of CNN's  [NON] objective news coverage, attacking, demeaning, and insulting those with whom she disagrees rather than reporting news.

The title of the video is misleading. It was not the "reporter" who was harassed, but rather it was she who "harrassed" the person she was "interviewing"!

This is but one example of the liberal media's anti-Conservative, anti-Fox News, and anti-American coverage.

When anti-war, anti-Bush, and anti-American protesters demonstrated -- burning our flag and calling President Bush, our troops, and America every obscene and hateful name and insult possible -- the liberal media had a love-fest and couldn't get enough of them.

When real Americans show their dislike for Obama's Socialism and out-of-control spending, the media starts attacking the protesters.

Apparently the CNN reporter doesn't even understand that the $50 billion example she cited is exactly the type of Obama's spending the people are protesting. Where does that "smart" CNN reporter think all that "free" money is coming from which she thinks is so great? It's coming from those trillions and trillions of dollars in deficit spending Obama and the Democrats are running up for us, our children, our grandchildren, and their children to "try" and pay back!

As a candidate, Obama opposed the deficit and said he would "change" the government spending excesses.

Well, Obama kept his word. Obama and the Democrats' deficit spending and planned budget deficits already exceeds that of ALL presidents before him -- from George Washington through George Bush.

Is this the "change" Americans "hoped" for?   NO ! ! !



  1. I've seen this clip at least half a dozen times. It's too bad that this guy didn't have the presence of mind to ask (as you note) this reporter where she thought all those billions of dollars were coming from. If it had been me, I'd have probably lost it and punched her in the face. I'm rapidly running out of tolerance for anyone with a collectivist mindset.

    Bottom line -- this is just another example of why Fox beats CNN and MSNBC COMBINED; full-day by 26% and in prime-time by 37%.

  2. BTW, why should she be fired? She represents the prevailing POV at CNN.

  3. RS,

    Back to my beating that dead horse, emotion is what motivates people and voters. We're seeing some emotion beginning to show with the TEA parties, but that's got to grow into a real movement before we toss the naive Looney Liberals "kids" out onto the street where they belong.

    Studies have shown that the brain hasn't fully developed in the youth. The last election clearly proved that is in fact the case, with millions of brainless moronic robots responded to the call from the "Pied Piper" on their text messaging cell phones.

    As for firing the "reporter"? You may be right. Maybe CNN, MSNBC, and HLN should hire more of them. Their viewer ratings might then drop even further below those of the patriotic pro-American Fox News Network!

    Now, if more Americans will recognize they are being lied to and mislead by the liberal media and the "major" networks, and switch to Fox News, we can toss the bums out -- permanently!

