Monday, April 06, 2009

Obama: The Anti-American Cheerleader!

From the American Thinker...

"What kind of man has such an obsessive need to put down his own country? Especially given our real history? Has he ever read an honest history book?"

April 06, 2009

Those arrogant Americans

We have a rock star president who for the first time in American history fired the President of a private corporation, General Motors, then immediately flew to Europe with an entourage of 500 courtiers and a worshipful media, bowed waist-deep to the King of Saudi Arabia, and proceeded to accuse his own country of arrogance.

Does anybody else think this guy is shockingly ignorant? I wonder if he has every really talked to a concentration camp survivor, or a Cuban refugee, or a boat person from Vietnam? Or a Soviet dissident. Or a survivor or Mao's purges.

Not to mention families with fallen American soldiers in the graveyards. Yes, he's going to Normandie, but will he apologize for our arrogance there, too? Does he really understand anything beyond the PC history of the world? Or will he just lie in his photo op at the American Cemetery at Normandy? ...

Why doesn't Obama just resign as America's president and run for World Emperor!

After all, he seems more concerned about the rest of the world than he does about our nation!


1 comment:

  1. The United States is the most charitable nation on the planet, and the number of people freed from oppression and tyranny world-wide in the last century by the expenditure of American blood and treasure is greater than the number of people freed by all the other nations of the world -- combined! I don't see any need to apologize for anything.
