Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Obama’s arrogance!

Can't Obama get anything right without his teleprompter!

From Hot Air ...

April 07, 2009

Europeans discover Obama’s arrogance

...Europeans have a much different reaction to Obama today. After Obama endorsed Turkey’s bid to enter the EU, the Continental grumbling has broken through in the media ... Der Spiegel reports that German and French officials have begun complaining about Obama’s arrogance in injecting himself into a European decision, including French President Nicolas Sarkozy...

...On Monday, a number of politicians, particularly in Germany, went on the offensive. “It is a meddling in the internal affairs of Europe,” Bernd Posselt, a member of the European Parliament from Bavarian’s conservative Christian Social Union (CSU), blustered in an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE. “The EU is not Obama’s plaything. … He should accept Turkey as America’s 51st state instead,” he continued. …

...this is what happens when we elect a head of state with no experience in foreign policy ... Even a moderately interested observer of EU politics would know that Turkey’s membership application has generated a lot of resistance and controversy. ...

[Obama has] already acted more arrogantly and with less skill than his predecessor ... After this episode, George Bush and his careful handling of the Turkish question might gain some new respect from the EU. ... George Bush managed to voice it in a manner that didn’t tick off our allies and demonstrate American arrogance?

...Bush was just more adept at diplomacy than the new guy.

If this had been President Bush, the Liberal media would be having a field day, but with Obama, they continue to cover up his blunders!


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