Monday, April 06, 2009

End of physician conscience protection in America

From The American Thinker...

The end of physician conscience protection in America?

"The period of public comment on conscience protection for health care providers will end on April 9. No one wants the government telling physicians they must violate their conscience in the practice of medicine. This is especially important regarding life and death decisions."

"This basic principle securing the integrity of physician-patient relationships has been threatened of late. In December 2008 the Department of Health and Human Services issued a regulation clarifying the protections offered by three civil rights laws for health care providers passed by Congress with bipartisan support. However, the Obama administration has stated its intention of overturning the conscience regulation and not enforcing the existing laws."

"If you do not want a medical system that forces doctors to participate in medical killing, make your voices heard. Rescinding the conscience regulation is a serious threat to physicians with integrity, our medical system, our republic, and you."

"To express your opinion be sure to comment before the deadline."


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