Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Abuse Of Emergency Room Care

We've got single women on welfare having 8 babies at a time through in vitro fertilization for which taxpayers will pay the hospital costs of well over a million dollars (plus millions in welfare to raise the children)!

We've got illegal aliens getting "free" emergency room care, with American taxpayers picking up the tab!

And just when we think it couldn't get any worse, we have this...

9 patients made nearly 2,700 ER visits in Texas

Associated Press, April 1, 2009; 9:19 PM

AUSTIN, Texas -- Just nine people accounted for nearly 2,700 of the emergency room visits in the Austin area during the past six years at a cost of $3 million to taxpayers and others, according to a report. The patients went to hospital emergency rooms 2,678 times from 2003 through 2008, said the report from the nonprofit Integrated Care Collaboration, a group of health care providers who care for low-income and uninsured patients. ...

The average emergency room visit costs $1,000. Hospitals and taxpayers paid the bill through government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, Kitchen said. ...

How much abuse of America's health care system will "caring and giving" taxpayers take before they finally say enough is enough and rebel?

Transferring those costs to "taxpayer" funded and subsidized health care insurance doesn't solve the problem either!


1 comment:

  1. A little math tells me that every 19.46 hours for six years one of those nine was in the ER. Or every 7.26 days each one of them was in the ER. I'd like to know the names and what they were in the ER for. I have this flashing light in my brain that says illegal. I've been preconditioned by living in SD.

    Two SD hospitals in the last year shut down their ERs because they can't afford to run them. What they are really saying is the paying customers don't pay enough to cover the non-paying ER customers.

    California overwhelmingly passed proposition 87 several years ago (passed by 79% or so). Prop 87 denied all care to illegals except to save their lives and stabilize their condition. After passage ER traffic was so small (by comparison) that people needing to use the ER could actually get in to see someone without having to wait for 8 hours. The proposition was overturned by ... drum roll please - the 9th Circuit Court in San Fran and interestingly, a couple of weeks after being turned over the ER traffic was once again back to "normal." And I was certainly surprised by that...not!

