Saturday, April 11, 2009

Obama bows, the White House lies!

As we've seen many times, Obama has trouble showing respect for America, one example of which is shown in this well known Time photograph. While others are showing proper respect as our National Anthem is being played -- with their hand placed over their heart -- Obama casually stares off into the distance!

On the other hand, Obama has no problem touring Europe, apologizing for what "he" believes to be America's faults -- even bowing down to the king of Saudi Arabia!


The Washington Times noted: “Such an act is a traditional obeisance befitting a king's subjects, not his peer. There is no precedent for U.S. presidents bowing to Saudi or any other royals.” Clearly Obama is ignorant of this fact.

In their efforts to "make this issue go away", the White House is trying to rewrite history, apparently convinced Americans will believe any lie they are fed by Obama's "media managers." To this end, an Obama aide denied that the president was bowing. “It wasn’t a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he’s taller than King Abdullah,” the aide was quoted as saying by Wednesday.

While the White House tries to convince the American people of their "new and improved" version of history, the facts show otherwise. As you watch the video, note the area highlighted by the circle in the image below. Obama's left hand in the center of the circle near his knees.

Contrary to the White House, the YouTube video clearly shows that Obama does in fact bow down to the Saudi king. You will see the king reach out with his right hand and grasp Obama's right hand, at which point Obama continues to lean forward as he bows to the king, ending with the king (and the world!) looking down on him. The details can be seen better in the full screen version of the video.

It is not until after Obama straightens up from his bow, still holding the king's right hand, that you will see him raise his left hand and apparently grasp the king's hand in that "double handed grasp" which the White House wants you to believe "caused" him to bend over in the first place.

The White House wants you to ignore what your eyes tell you and believe instead that Obama had to bend down from his lofty height to grasp the king's hand! Anyone who buys the White House version is a true, loyal, and blinded Obama supporter -- lying to themselves!

But the real issue is not the lies. The real issue is that America does not bow down or surrender to kings and queens... to other countries ... or to terrorists! America stopped bowing to others when we won our independence and became a sovereign nation!

If Obama took the time to read some real American history -- not the Liberal revisionist version -- he might understand that!


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