Monday, April 27, 2009

Obama: Traitor or Just Anti-American Liberal?

The Right View Wisconsin asks...

Is Barack Obama a traitor or just incompetent?

After almost 100 days in office, it is clear that President Obama has a very ultra-liberal vision for America.

He is guiding America away from its status as a world leader, to that of being an equal or lesser partner with every other country on the planet. ... The "blame America first" crowd and those who are anti-American love what Obama is turning our country into. Obama is ripping apart the very foundations our country was created upon.

The question was recently posed to me on whether or not I consider Obama a "traitor." In the sense that he has made our enemies - like al-Queda - openly aware of the U.S. Military interrogation techniques, as well as given them information on supposed withdrawal dates from Iraq, and seems intent on punishing many who were doing their jobs to protect our country, one really has to wonder. Obama's actions do look like they are aiding the enemy. ...[or] Is he just an incompetent liberal, striving to achieve the ultimate liberal goal of re-inventing America to be little more than the same as other countries? Does he actually think that is a good thing? Knocking us off our pedestal as a world power, because the left doesn't see that as somehow being a desirable position? ...

In all of Obama's speeches, does he ever talk about what a great country America is? Does he ever speak with pride about all of America's accomplishments ... It would serve Barack Obama well to remember all the good of America, rather than to continue to point out the bad. By focusing on the perceived ills, Obama seems to be legitimizing his attempts to tear down our country to rebuild it as the next France. Why? Why do we want to morph into another country? What is wrong with America?

Please, President Obama, tell us what you like about our country, other than the fact you got elected. As for being a traitor or just an incompetent leader, the jury is still out. Either way, as I've stated before, 2012 cannot get here fast enough.

Never in our nation's history has America had such an anti-American president as Obama -- bowing down to kings, apologizing and "sucking up" to our enemies and those who wish to see America harmed and defeated, bankrupting our nation with his out-of-control spending, cutting and undermining our defense, and freely giving away highly classified and secret information which will aid our enemies while demeaning and tarnishing America's image throughout the world!

All patriotic Americans should be working hard to vote Obama, his Liberal Democrats, and his Socialist-Communist agenda out of office -- the sooner the better!

The Communists in the former Soviet Union would have been proud and honored to have Obama working for them!


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