Friday, April 03, 2009

Obama Claims Power To Ban Free Speech

Unfortunately, this is no April Fools' Day joke.

From The American Thinker...

April 01, 2009...

Government Claims Power to Ban Books and Speech

On Mar. 24, the Supreme Court heard arguments in Citizens United v. FEC, the latest installment in an ongoing series of challenges to the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA), better known as McCain-Feingold. This case has far-reaching implications for the future of campaign activities, and draws an important line between the right of citizens to speak out and the power of government to imprison them if they do.

Far more important than the specific facts in this case was the enormous scope of power that the Obama Administration was claiming under BCRA, an array so broad that the justices balked at the government's answers to their questions. The Obama Administration claimed that BCRA allows the federal government to ban a 600-page book if it mentions a candidate's name only once, a 90-minute movie if it mentions a candidate's name once, or even a toy action figure of a candidate. If the organization uses a single dime of its general funds to produce, promote or distribute any such materials during the "blackout" periods, it becomes a federal crime.

The key justices in this case seemed astonished at the broad powers the Obama Administration was claiming under BCRA ... The issue in these cases is the freedom of individuals to act together to speak out on public matters. As Ted Olson explained in his opening statement, "Participation in the political process is the First Amendment's most fundamental guarantee. Yet that freedom is being smothered by one of the most complicated, expensive, and incomprehensible regulatory regimes ever invented."

One of the essential ingredients of a free society is the right to speak out for or against candidates running for office. Those who seek or hold power are held accountable through the ballot box, and freely sharing information and opinions about these candidates, their actions and their policies is the best safeguard to keep them honest and enable citizens to make an informed decision when they vote.

Americans really are fools if they stand complacently and idly by while Obama works to take away their Constitutional right to free speech!

We know the liberal media won't inform the American people of Obama's actions, but where's the outrage from Republicans and Conservatives on this attack on our Constitutional rights?

Where are the e-mails from Republicans and Conservatives?   I haven't received or seen any, nor have I seen any letters to editors on the issue!



  1. Treasury Secretary Geithner said recently that, following the current massive government intervention "capitalism will be different". (I agree with Rush -- then it won't be capitalism any more.) One could logically conclude, particularly in light of the subject of this post, that freedom will also "be different" going forward. In fact, I don't think the average person can begin to imagine how different the entire country will be at the end of Obi-One's first, and hopefully only term.

    On a brighter note, it appears that both Card Check and Cap & Trade are in trouble legislatively.

  2. RS,

    I hadn't heard the recent reports on Obama's Card Check scam, but the more trouble for Obama, the better for America.

    I did read a Reuters story a couple of hours ago reporting that Obama's ridiculous anti-American cap-and-trade program is in trouble. Only a Democrat could dream up something as stupid as that smoke-and-mirrors concept. Republicans need to turn up the heat and put the pressure on moderate and conservative leaning Democrats who know better than to support nutty programs like this if they want to get re-elected.

    Rush got it right... American wins if Obama and his liberal Socialism loses!


  3. AAR,

    You know, in all fairness, we (Conservatives/GOP) are as much to blame for this attack on free speech as the Dems. Lest we forget, the co-sponsor on the original legislation was OUR presidential candidate, John McCain, and the original case was initiated by the Bush Justice Department. I don't see any way that we have a shred of credibility going forward as long as major elements of the GOP are associated with such people and/or ideas.

  4. RS,

    How well I know it! And, how irritating it is! That's just one of the many reasons McCain lost, and should never have been the nominee in the first place.

    The way I see it, Obama's president now, and his administration could have dropped the case or not have pursued it as aggressively. After all, aren't Liberals (a.k.a Democrats) the ones always talking about the Constitution and free speech... when it applies to them anyway?

    It's Obama's fault now!

    As for fairness... I agree with the Israelis. Nuke 'em!

    I sent you an e-mail from my Google address a short time ago. Comcast's e-mail is down. Their techies are "working" the problem but couldn't say when it might be fixed. If you sent any e-mails since last night, I won't get them until Comcast fixes their problem. I'll check later this afternoon or evening when I return.

