Friday, April 24, 2009

Obama wrong, Bush right on North Korea.

Hey Obama, Bush was right!

President Bush was right, and all the Liberals (Democrats) like Obama were wrong. You can not appease, placate, and play "nice" with your enemies. Now we have, or very soon will have, North Korea with nuclear weapons and missiles -- and Iran soon to follow!

World news sources are reporting North Korea is now a nuclear power!

The world’s intelligence agencies and defense experts are quietly acknowledging that North Korea has become a fully fledged nuclear power with the capacity to wipe out entire cities in Japan and South Korea, the Times of London reported.

The new reality has emerged in off-hand remarks and in single sentences buried in lengthy reports. Increasing numbers of authoritative experts — from the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to the U.S. Defense Secretary — are admitting that North Korea has miniaturized nuclear warheads to the extent that they can be launched on medium-range missiles, according to intelligence briefings.

This puts it ahead of Iran in the race for nuclear attack capability and seriously alters the balance of power between North Korea’s large but poorly equipped military and the South Korean and U.S. forces ranged against it. “North Korea has nuclear weapons, which is a matter of fact,” the head of the IAEA, Mohamed ElBaradei, said this week. “I don’t like to accept any country as a nuclear weapon state we have to face reality.”

North Korea with nuclear missiles that can wipe out South Korean and Japanese cities killing tens of millions of people. Iran likely will have nuclear weapons and missiles very soon -- perhaps even supplied by North Korea -- with the desire and ability to strike Israel and Europe's major cities. Pakistan is moving even closer toward control by the Taliban, giving them, Osama bin Laden, and his supporters access to numerous nuclear missiles capable of destroying who knows what.

Obama says it will be years before any of those countries can strike the U.S., but he forgets and ignores what a few nuclear bombs dropped on Tokyo, Seoul, Israel, Europe, and India (who will retaliate against Pakistan) will do to the U.S. and world economies -- except that this time there will be no bailout or economic stimulus because Obama has blown all of America's reserves and credit on his liberal agenda and socialism -- which most Americans are too blinded to see or understand.

Obama forgets, however, that a nuclear missile or missiles can be launched from ships or barges located in international waters far off America's coast, with the possibility of wiping out cities like New York, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, San Francisco, New Orleans, Boston, and many others!

President Bush wanted to do take aggressive action to stop North Korea and Iran from developing or acquiring nuclear weapons and the missile to deliver them, but the Liberal Democrats blocked those efforts. Now, the world is faced with the reality of one more rogue state with nuclear weapons and the ability to blackmail nations, annihilate cities, and kill tens of millions!

And what is Obama's answer? Talk, apologize, and blame America, while cutting America's defenses... including the very missile defense system that might well save U.S. cities and those of our allies from destruction and annihilation!

Maybe Obama can make a personal trip to North Korea, give Kim Jong Il a great big hug, and apologize for America's past actions and hard feelings toward North Korea and Kim.

Have no fear, Obama is here, with a big grin, sugary words, and snake oil to save the day -- NOT!


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