Monday, May 04, 2009

Obama's Spanish Inquisition!

REAL and PATRIOTIC Americans... Stand up and "explain" to Obama and his Left-Wing Liberal Democrats that this is America -- not some providence or puppet of the U.N. or one of it's anti-American minions!

REAL and PATRIOTIC Americans... Stand up and "explain" to Obama what any red blooded Americans believes: America will not tolerate, participate in, support, or provide any "evidence" or information to the U.N. or any other nation to conduct show trials of President Bush, the American military, our intelligence agencies, or anyone else in the administration who successfully protected the United States and American citizens from more terrorist attacks!

Obama still believes he was elected president or emperor of the world, rather than the United States. After releasing our nation's secrets to our enemies, Obama's Democrat Attorney General now says the Obama Administration may cooperate with these show trials and even provide them with evidence to use against our own government officials... reported...

In speaking to reporters Wednesday, Holder also said it is possible the United States could cooperate with a foreign court's investigation of Bush administration officials.

Holder spoke before the announcement that a Spanish magistrate had opened an investigation of Bush officials on harsh interrogation methods. Holder didn't rule out cooperating in such a probe.

"Obviously, we would look at any request that would come from a court in any country and see how and whether we should comply with it," Holder said.

"This is an administration that is determined to conduct itself by the rule of law and to the extent that we receive lawful requests from an appropriately created court, we would obviously respond to it," he said.

Power Line commented...

Spanish magistrate Baltasar Garzon has launched an inquisition into America's treatment of terrorist detainees. Now Attorney General Eric Holder says the Obama administration may choose to cooperate with such kangaroo investigations.

If the Attorney General of the United States once accepts the absurdity that a Spanish court and Spanish judge, Baltasar Garzón, sitting in Spain and operating under Spanish law, actually have jurisdiction over American officials making official policy decisions inside the United States about how American military and intelligence agents can interrogate detainees at an American Marine Corps base inside Cuba... then how can Holder later limit such jurisdiction to "evidentiary requests?"

If we ever once accept that a European court -- and not even a recognized "international" one! -- has jurisdiction over actions committed by American officials ... then we have crossed a line from which we can never retreat: The United States will cease to be a sovereign power.

Sometimes you get the feeling that's what some Democrats want.

If Spain, the U.N., or any other nation wants to try our government officials for protecting America and our citizens, then they should send their military to arrest and drag them to the inquisitions...

America's Marines and military will meet them at our shore... or sooner!

If Obama supports and condones these foreign inquisitions, then...



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