Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Obama: Most Polarized Nation In Modern Era

While Obama is out running around Europe on his world love affair, campaigning for World Emperor, and working to weaken America's superpower status, he has further polarized America!

For all of Obama's talk about bipartisanship, Pew Research Center finds: "...Barack Obama has the most polarized early job approval ratings of any president in the past four decades. The 61-point partisan gap in opinions about Obama's job performance is the result of a combination of high Democratic ratings for the president -- 88% job approval among Democrats -- and relatively low approval ratings among Republicans (27%)."

"The 61-point partisan gap eclipses George W. Bush's 51-point gap in his first year, and that was after the long recount and simmering charges from Democrats that Bush stole the 2000 election."

Obama's goal -- and that of his Liberal Democrats -- is to weaken America and make it "equal" with the rest of the third world nations!

Obama doesn't support or want a strong American superpower!



  1. This poll is a perfect illustration of why it's so fruitless to argue with a Liberal. I don't see any way that this deep an ideological divide can be solved through dialogue, just as talking to the Iranians and NK's is not going to change their minds and keep them from pursuing nuclear weapons.

  2. WSJ.com adds...

    The President Has Become a Divisive Figure

    Mr. Obama has hastened the decline of Republican support with petty attacks on his critics and predecessor. For a person who promised hope and civility in politics, Mr. Obama has shown a borderline obsessiveness in blaming Mr. Bush. Starting with his inaugural address and continuing through this week's overseas trip, the new president's jabs at Mr. Bush have been unceasing, unfair and unhelpful. They have also diminished Mr. Obama by showing him to be another conventional politician. Rather than ending "the blame game," he is personifying it.

    The question that will worry the Obama West Wing is whether the views of independents come to look more like Democrats or Republicans. Recent opinion surveys show that support for his policies among independents is slipping.

    On both Mr. Obama's performance and policies, independents are starting to look more like Republicans. For example, the most recent Fox News poll (taken March 31 to April 1) found that Mr. Obama's job approval among independents has fallen to 52%, down nine points from the start of March and down 12 points from late January. Over the same period, the number of independents who disapprove of Mr. Obama's performance has doubled to 32% from 16%.

    The same poll also found that 76% of independents worry that government will spend too much to help the economy; only 12% worry it will spend too little. Independents oppose Mr. Obama's proposed budget by a 55%-37% margin.

