Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Obama: Poisoning America

From the Wall Street Journal.

April 23, 2009

Presidential Poison

Mark down the date. Tuesday, April 21, 2009, is the moment that any chance of a new era of bipartisan respect in Washington ended. By inviting the prosecution of Bush officials for their antiterror legal advice, President Obama has injected a poison into our politics that he and the country will live to regret.

...until now, the U.S. political system has avoided the spectacle of a new Administration prosecuting its predecessor for policy disagreements. This is what happens in Argentina, Malaysia or Peru, countries where the law is treated merely as an extension of political power.

[Obama] absolved CIA operatives of any legal jeopardy ... But he has pointedly invited investigations against Republican legal advisers who offered their best advice at the request of CIA officials.

...Obama says only the legal advisers who are no longer in government should be investigated. The political convenience of this distinction for Mr. Obama betrays its basic injustice. ...

Obama's decision last week to release the interrogation memos unleashed a revenge lust on the political left that he refuses to resist.

[Obama] is trying to co-opt his left-wing base by playing to it -- only to encourage it more. ...Obama may think he can soar above all of this, but he'll soon learn otherwise. ...political energy will focus more on the spectacle of revenge, and less on his agenda.

[T] he exercise will only embitter Republicans, including the moderates and national-security hawks ... partisan anger and backlash will grow. ...By indulging his party's desire to criminalize policy advice, he has unleashed furies that will haunt his Presidency.

How much more of Obama's poor judgement and catering to the hatred of his Left-Wing Liberal base are Americans going to ignore?

Anyone other than the Democrat's Left-Wing Liberals -- who Obama is working so hard to please -- will recognize Obama's spiteful and revengful actions for what they really are!

It's time Americans start to get angry -- really angry!


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