Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Government Waste: $400,000 to Study Sex and Drinking Habits of Homosexuals in Argentina

More information not getting out to the American taxpayers and voters...

Each time we think we've seen it all, the government comes up with yet another even more idiotic and creatively stupid way to throw our tax dollars down the sewer -- in Argentina, the Dominican Republic, China, and who knows where else!

As long as the government is throwing away our tax dollars, why not just throw in another million or two and study the sex and mating habits of South American cockroaches!

According to NIH, this "project" will cost $403,902 -- at least!

Feds Will Spend $400,000 to Study Drinking and Sex Habits of Homosexuals in Argentina

Monday, May 04, 2009

(CNSNews.com) – The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is funding a study that seeks to discover a link between drinking and having sex among homosexuals in Argentina.

The study will send researchers to six bars in Buenos Aires to interview both patrons and proprietors in an effort to discover what it is about those bars that may encourage the risky behavior.

The study’s primary focus is to determine the relationship among drinking, bars frequented by homosexuals, and risky sexual behavior to see if certain bars in Argentina might be good targets for HIV-prevention campaigns.

“Targeting public venues in Buenos Aires where men meet, alcohol is consumed, and sexual behavior occurs, the goal of this two-year exploratory study is to understand the various factors that contribute to the creation of a high-risk sexual space,” the study’s abstract explains.

While the study is being conducted in Argentina, it is being funded with U.S. tax dollars. The grant recipients--who could not be reached for comment -- say in the abstract that information gathered in the bars in Argentina might help inform similar efforts in America.

The study is among a number funded by the NIAAA to examine the relationship between drinking and the spread of HIV, including a study of tourism, prostitution, and HIV in the Dominican Republic and another study examining drinking and HIV among prostitutes in China.

If the "information gathered in the bars in Argentina might help inform similar efforts in America," then why not conduct the study in America?

Do we really need to spend over $400,000 in American tax dollars to tell us what Americans already know... that drinking contributes to poor judgement and can lead to risky sex? !

Do we really need another study to tell us what we already know... that risky sex can lead to sexually transmitted diseases... just one of which is HIV and AIDS? !

It's a well known fact that the more money a person, organization, or the government is given, the more waste and abuse will occur, and nowhere is that more true than with the government.

As anyone who has ever worked for the government knows, this is exactly what happens when the government is allowed to take your tax dollars and "redistribute" them to others whom the government determines is more deserving of your hard earned tax dollars that you!

It's time for another TEA party, but most of all it's time to kick the wasteful and out-of-control politicians and bureaucrats out of Washington!

Cut the waste! ...Cut the spending! ...Cut the taxes!


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