Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Specter: A tale of turncoats and broken promises!

Senator Arlen Specter said that prior to making his decision to switch to the Democrats, Senate Majority Leader Reid guaranteed him that he would retain his seniority on committees, to include a pledge that Specter would become the next chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

Now that Democrats have passed a resolution making Specter the most junior member on most committees, Reid said he never gave any such guarantees to Specter, saying he thought Specter understood the issue was always going to be left up to the rest of the Democratic caucus.

Perhaps Democrats don't really see Specter as one of them. Perhaps Democrats see how Specter used the Republican party through the years to get re-elected, and then turned against them on key issues and votes. Perhaps Democrats don't trust a turncoat who would abandon his party for his own personal gain, after realizing that his chances of being re-elected as a Republican this time were slim to none... because he repeatedly opposed the views of the Republican voters who elected him!

Specter and the Democrats deserve each other. Personally I wouldn't trust Specter either, whether a Republican or Democrat, but Democrats are stuck with him now, and they'd better calm down, make him happy, and watch out -- or Specter may turn on them too!

As for Specter's judgment, didn't he learn anything about Liberals and Democrats during his 30 years in the Senate? Never, ever believe or trust a Democrat, particularly a Liberal Democrat, on anything, but especially when it involves security -- yours or our nation's!


1 comment:

  1. What poetic justice!

    Can you imagine being part of a Seal or Marine Recon team and having one member of your team that only has your six 44% of the time? That's Specter's American Conservative Union lifetime rating. Snowe and Collins are close behind at 48% and 49.5% -- no one else on the GOP side is even close. As far as I'm concerned, anyone below 50% is not a Republican -- not even in name only.
