Saturday, March 21, 2009

Open Topic

As they say in Oriental restaurants...




  1. In order to kill time until the 2010 election, I've decided to start a political wish list. The first two are highly unlikely, but would be extremely gratifying if they came true.

    1. A prominent Democrat Senator who has obfuscated his role in the AIG bonus mess (someone like, oh, I don't know -- Chris Dodd) goes on Glenn Beck's TV show. Glenn catches him in blatant lie, plays a video clip of him contradicting himself and shouts, "Senator, you're a damn liar -- get the hell off my show!" The video immediately becomes the most popular clip on You-Tube, the MSM picks up on it, and Dodd is never heard from again.

    2. Hillary Clinton goes on national television and announces she is resigning as Secretary of State because she just can bear to work for a bunch of incompetent boobs.

  2. Interesting results in the NCAA Basketball Tournament. All 4 #1, #2 & #3 seeds made it to the Sweet 16. I can't recall whether or not that's ever happened. Those people who picked the top 4 seeds in each bracket have only missed 2 -- Purdue at #5 and Arizona at #12.

  3. RS,

    Good start; although, as long as we're dreaming, I'd start just a little higher and wish that the entire incompetent Obama administration collapses and resigns before they, their Socialism, and their anti-Americanism succeed in destroying everything that's made this nation great!


  4. RS,

    I've never been a big basketball fan, so I'll have to take your word on that.

