Monday, March 23, 2009

Obama, Driving America Into Bankruptcy

Obama claims he's not governing out of anger...

Associated Press, March 23, 2009...

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama says he cannot "govern out of anger" just because of public outrage over bonuses paid at financial institutions kept afloat by taxpayer dollars.

Obama's declaration came as he pushed for a $3.6 trillion federal budget proposal that already is opposed from within his own party. ...

Senate Republicans warned of deficits that could climb to $20 trillion in coming years and a weakened dollar if Obama and his Democratic allies get their proposal passed. ... even some of Obama's fellow Democrats aren't in favor of the proposal, which ... could generate $9.3 trillion in red ink over the next decade.

... Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., predicted Obama's ambitious $3.6 trillion budget ... would put the country into bankruptcy and would never pass Congress.

"The practical implications of this is bankruptcy for the United States. There's no other way around it," Gregg said.

Oh, but Obama is governing out of anger -- out of the pent up anger from the Liberal Left.

Obama is governing out of his uncontrollable desire and willingness to appease and satisfy the anger of those Liberals -- especially the far Left radical Liberals -- who worked so hard to elect him!

Obama and his Democrat Congress are governing out of incompetence and an irrational determination to impose their Liberal views and agenda on America.

Obama is not concerned about the Democrat's out-of-control and unsustainable deficit spending, the damage to the U.S. dollar, the hyper-inflation waiting just ahead, and the disastrous consequences for American families.

Obama is concerned only about imposing Socialism and his Liberal agenda on America, no matter what the cost -- even if it bankrupts and destroys our nation.

Liberals would like nothing better than to knock the United States out of it's position as the world's last and only remaining super power -- weakening U.S. might and influence around the world -- and making the United States equal with the rest of the third world nations.


1 comment:

  1. Ya gotta love Mark Steyn, one of my favorite Conservative pundits who's subbing for Rush today. Heading into a commercial break, he says something like, "we'll be right back after this commercial break to continue discussing today's theme; is Obama a Marxist or is he just incompetent?"

    Mark also cleverly notes that it took Jimmy Carter a while to actually become "Jimmy Carter", while Obama has achieved that dubious distinction in less than 60 days.
