Thursday, March 26, 2009

Death Of The Obama Dream (Nightmare)

From The Washington DC Examiner, March 25, 2009...

Death of the Obama dream

... only two months after the cosmic anointing, Vanity Fair, of all people, unloaded on Barack Obama, in the terms it had reserved for the past four or five years for the likes of George W. Bush.

... media writer Michael Wolff, took an axe to the president ... beginning “Sheesh, the guy is Jimmy Carter,” ending “This guy is leaden and this show is in trouble,” and titled “Barack Obama is a Terrible Bore.”

... ex-fan Peggy Noonan called him “insubstantial and weightless ... not fully focused ... jumping from issue to issue and venue to venue from day to day.” “The administration’s difficulties ... have created an unfortunate impression of incompetence,” ...

... he was attacked by the New York Times in three columns and one editorial. One warned of an oncoming fall of Katrina dimensions. And these were his friends.

... variations on the theme of incompetence have had time to harden and set ... the financial crisis he was hired to fix has only grown worse under his tutelage ... immense sums in his budget are starting to stun the more moderate Democrats ... [and those] who once put their hopes in his ‘moderate’ temperament.

... the idea of Obama, the eloquent, elegant, trans-racial hero, able to inspire his way around anything, ran into reality ... revealing a not-well-prepared neophyte politician with an embarrassing penchant for gaffes.

... independents are heading back to the Republicans, who now have a (slight) lead in the generic ballot, for the first time in nearly three years.

[people were warned] ... this might happen, that there were risks to electing someone with no record or background to speak of, who had never done anything well except talk.

For the sake of a strong America and the future of our children, we can hope that Obama will fail in his efforts to impose his Socialism and Liberal agenda on America, but for now... the Obama nightmare is still alive!

Better still, don't just "hope" that Obama will fail in his efforts to weaken our nation. Be proactive. Stand up and speak out.

Support those individuals and groups working to defeat Obama's Socialism and the Liberal agenda of the out-of-control Democrat Congress!


1 comment:

  1. there were risks to electing someone with no record or background to speak of, who had never done anything well except talk.

    Aw, come on, now. He did all the community organizing stuff -- that has to count for something, right?
