Monday, March 30, 2009

Others Denied What Conservatives Knew

From the American Thinker...

March 30, 2009

The Obama We Knew But Denied

This president's budget, plus the Faux Stimulus monstrosity, plus the TARP bailouts all add up to the biggest, most irresponsible spending spree in American history. Yet, according to some of the best and brightest economists on the planet, these schemes are built upon overly rosy expectations, will do little to stimulate any economic growth and promise to punitively tax the very people and industries we need to provide investment capital and jobs to actually create the pie from which all these liberal cherries are to be plucked.

... Barack Obama is precisely the man whose political mentor, Saul Alinsky, advised the use of any and all means necessary to take power in America, and to clothe his deceit in "moral garments." Barack Obama is precisely the man whose most influential and moneyed backer was George Soros, the Fabian socialist whose financial schemes have garnered great wealth for him while leaving whole economies in shambles, the way ours is now.

Anyone still harboring the illusion that President Barack Obama cares one whit about the millions of Americans whose retirement funds and futures dwindle with each passing day of this "regime change" needs a reality check.

The sad truth is that Barack Obama and his cabal of international socialists have every intention of bursting the bubble of American supremacy. They see America as the lynchpin of a global situation they deplore, a world that is inherently unfair. A world in which there is no genuine evil, only valid grievances for past oppression. It is that unfairness for which America now must pay with her 401Ks. And to these "liberal communists," Barack Obama declared fealty in his "Citizen of the World" speech in Berlin.

A vast array of Americans seem to still be scratching their heads in wonder at how a complete political knave has been elected to the highest office in the land with nary a single real accomplishment on his resume. ...

... We have become a Nation of fools and President Barack Obama is our just dessert.


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