Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Another Obama Tax Cheat

Are all the Democrat politicians crooks and tax cheats, or just those Obama nominates!

After this many tries, you'd think Obama could manage to find a competent person to weed out the tax cheats before nominating them. Maybe they're doing the best they can considering what they have to choose from?

Associated Press, March 31, 2009.

Health and Human Services nominee Kathleen Sebelius recently corrected three years of tax returns and paid more than $7,000 in back taxes after finding "unintentional errors" -- the latest tax troubles for an Obama administration nominee.

The Kansas governor explained the changes to senators in a letter dated Tuesday that the administration released. She said they involved charitable contributions, the sale of a home and business expenses.

Sebelius said she filed the amended returns as soon as the errors were discovered by an accountant she hired to scrub her taxes in preparation for her confirmation hearings. She and her husband, Gary, a federal magistrate judge in Kansas, paid a total of $7,040 in back taxes and $878 in interest to amend returns from 2005-2007.

Considering the money the IRS is recovering from Obama's nominees -- who were vetted and "cleared" of tax problems -- let's have the IRS audit every Democrat politician and collect the back taxes from all the other deadbeat taxpayers. That should help reduce the deficit.

If this were you or me, we'd be headed for jail -- not for a high paying government job!


Monday, March 30, 2009

Others Denied What Conservatives Knew

From the American Thinker...

March 30, 2009

The Obama We Knew But Denied

This president's budget, plus the Faux Stimulus monstrosity, plus the TARP bailouts all add up to the biggest, most irresponsible spending spree in American history. Yet, according to some of the best and brightest economists on the planet, these schemes are built upon overly rosy expectations, will do little to stimulate any economic growth and promise to punitively tax the very people and industries we need to provide investment capital and jobs to actually create the pie from which all these liberal cherries are to be plucked.

... Barack Obama is precisely the man whose political mentor, Saul Alinsky, advised the use of any and all means necessary to take power in America, and to clothe his deceit in "moral garments." Barack Obama is precisely the man whose most influential and moneyed backer was George Soros, the Fabian socialist whose financial schemes have garnered great wealth for him while leaving whole economies in shambles, the way ours is now.

Anyone still harboring the illusion that President Barack Obama cares one whit about the millions of Americans whose retirement funds and futures dwindle with each passing day of this "regime change" needs a reality check.

The sad truth is that Barack Obama and his cabal of international socialists have every intention of bursting the bubble of American supremacy. They see America as the lynchpin of a global situation they deplore, a world that is inherently unfair. A world in which there is no genuine evil, only valid grievances for past oppression. It is that unfairness for which America now must pay with her 401Ks. And to these "liberal communists," Barack Obama declared fealty in his "Citizen of the World" speech in Berlin.

A vast array of Americans seem to still be scratching their heads in wonder at how a complete political knave has been elected to the highest office in the land with nary a single real accomplishment on his resume. ...

... We have become a Nation of fools and President Barack Obama is our just dessert.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Obamanomics is not economics

From The American Thinker...

March 28, 2009

Obamanomics is not economics, it's ideology

Robert Reich, professor of public policy at the University of California, Berkeley and the former Clinton Administration Secretary of Labor thinks we are all idiots. In an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal entitled "Obamanomics Isn't About Big Government," Mr. Reich tells us that catastrophic government spending, un-constitutional legislation, uncontrolled earmarks, corruption, cronyism-bloated bureaucracies, class warfare, and social engineering are "trickle-up economics." ...

Robert Reich is a radical fellow traveler, whom we foolishly let teach our children as he helps Obama steal their future. His ideology makes him a popular guy around campus and in the fever swamps of the far left, but as the Obama-effect wears off, as it increasingly will, he will need the solace of those quiet halls.

When the full realization of what Obama and his minions are doing to the country hits the average citizen, there will be anger and outrage and revolt. It is already growing. It is hard to believe that we are just a few months into this administration. What will it look like in 2010 for the mid-term elections? One can only hope, for the good of the nation, it will be very bad indeed for Reich, the US Congress and Obama.     (more)

March 28, 2009

Are the blinders beginning to fall off?

The left leaning Economist magazine may be having second thoughts of its endorsement of the messiah:

After highlighting some of the problems Obama is having and declaring him "curiously feeble," the magazine tries to analyze what's wrong...

... Mr Obama’s failure to grapple as fast and as single-mindedly with the economy as he should have done. His stimulus package, though huge, was subcontracted to Congress, which did a mediocre job: too much of the money will arrive too late to be of help in the current crisis. His budget, though in some ways more honest than his predecessor’s, is wildly optimistic. ...

... failure to staff the Treasury is a shocking illustration of administrative drift. There are 23 slots at the department that need confirmation by the Senate, and only two have been filled. This is not the Senate’s fault. Mr Obama has made a series of bad picks ...

... Mr Obama has mishandled his relations with both sides in Congress. Though he campaigned as a centrist and promised an era of post-partisan government, that’s not how he has behaved.

... there is an element of managerial incompetence, but the real issue is that the Right was correct about Obama: he’s an ultra-liberal at least on domestic policy, not a pragmatic centrist either on policy or in style. His mode of governance — denigrate the opposition, engage in ad hominem attacks, refuse to compromise on substantive policy, disguise radical policy intentions with a haze of meaningless rhetoric — bespeaks someone supremely confident in his ideological views and undaunted by fears (which are slowly creeping up on his Red state colleagues) of having overshot his mandate.

... it appears we are in for more of the same for the remainder of his term. It’s not what the Economist expected, but it is pretty much what most conservatives did.     (more)


Friday, March 27, 2009

Deficit Spending... Obama Lied!

Candidate Obama denounced federal budget deficits, but President Obama and the Democrat Congress embrace enormous and unsustainable deficits as a means to impose their own Liberal agenda on America!

The Washington Examiner, March 27, 2009...

On Spending and the Deficit, McCain Was Right.

[Candidate] Obama used to get very upset about federal budget deficits. Denouncing an "orgy of spending and enormous deficits," ...

... President Obama is asking lawmakers to vote for a budget with a deficit three times the size of the one that so disturbed candidate Obama just a few months ago. ... for years to come, deficits that dwarf those he felt so passionately about way, way back in 2008.

... [Budget Director Peter Orszag] said such deficits, in the range of five percent of the Gross Domestic Product, "would lead to rising debt-to-GDP ratios in a manner that would ultimately not be sustainable."

... If the Congressional Budget Office projections are correct, we're headed for hell in a handbasket. ... the U.S. could have to print a lot of new money, "running the huge risk of inflation and returning to the situation of the 1970s, only far worse," ... The second option is to raise taxes.

... former Clinton budget director Alice Rivlin conceded that Obama's budget could present a "scary scenario" that would "raise deficits to unsustainable levels well after the economy recovers." ...higher taxes, and not just for the richest of the rich.

... Obama will likely have to bow to those in his party who say he must raise taxes if he wants to pay for health care and other expensive initiatives.

"The deficit issue could be one of the most, if not the most, consequential of Obama's unkept campaign promises."

How long will the Liberal media continue to cover for Obama, his lies, and his deceit before Americans wake up and see the truth?


Will the U.N. make it a crime to "defame" Islam?

Will the U.N. ultimately try to mandate Islam as the world's official religion?

From the American Thinker, March 25, 2009 ...

Islamic States Push to Criminalize 'Defamation of Islam'

A powerful bloc of 57 Islamic states is again pushing for the UN to make it a criminal offense to criticise or ‘defame' Islam. ...the resolution could well be made binding.

The resolution deems offending Islamic sensitivities a "serious affront to human dignity" which could lead to "social disharmony", "violations of human rights" and "incitement to religious hatred in general and against Islam in particular". If passed, the resulting binding resolution would find its way into various UN documents all of which would require that UN member states at "local, national and international levels" start restricting the free speech of citizens to prevent public criticism of religious beliefs, particularly Islamic belief.

Such is the domination of the UN HRC by Islamic states, backed by non-democratic members including Russia and Cuba, that the human rights agency UN Watch believes the "adoption of the regressive resolution is a foregone conclusion". ...

UN Watch's Neuer describes the resolution's text as "Orwellian" and warns that it distorts the meaning of human rights, free speech and religious freedom. ...

Just as good in terms of ‘promoting better global relations', how about taking up US TV commentator Lou Dobbs suggestion that we, "bulldoze the large piece of real estate on the east side of Manhattan (UN Plaza) - and build something useful". Or would that too deny Islamists their most effective weapon in the Jihad against Western free speech?

While Muslims fight and die for their religion, Christians sit quietly by while Liberals continually attack and effectively undermine Christianity.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Death Of The Obama Dream (Nightmare)

From The Washington DC Examiner, March 25, 2009...

Death of the Obama dream

... only two months after the cosmic anointing, Vanity Fair, of all people, unloaded on Barack Obama, in the terms it had reserved for the past four or five years for the likes of George W. Bush.

... media writer Michael Wolff, took an axe to the president ... beginning “Sheesh, the guy is Jimmy Carter,” ending “This guy is leaden and this show is in trouble,” and titled “Barack Obama is a Terrible Bore.”

... ex-fan Peggy Noonan called him “insubstantial and weightless ... not fully focused ... jumping from issue to issue and venue to venue from day to day.” “The administration’s difficulties ... have created an unfortunate impression of incompetence,” ...

... he was attacked by the New York Times in three columns and one editorial. One warned of an oncoming fall of Katrina dimensions. And these were his friends.

... variations on the theme of incompetence have had time to harden and set ... the financial crisis he was hired to fix has only grown worse under his tutelage ... immense sums in his budget are starting to stun the more moderate Democrats ... [and those] who once put their hopes in his ‘moderate’ temperament.

... the idea of Obama, the eloquent, elegant, trans-racial hero, able to inspire his way around anything, ran into reality ... revealing a not-well-prepared neophyte politician with an embarrassing penchant for gaffes.

... independents are heading back to the Republicans, who now have a (slight) lead in the generic ballot, for the first time in nearly three years.

[people were warned] ... this might happen, that there were risks to electing someone with no record or background to speak of, who had never done anything well except talk.

For the sake of a strong America and the future of our children, we can hope that Obama will fail in his efforts to impose his Socialism and Liberal agenda on America, but for now... the Obama nightmare is still alive!

Better still, don't just "hope" that Obama will fail in his efforts to weaken our nation. Be proactive. Stand up and speak out.

Support those individuals and groups working to defeat Obama's Socialism and the Liberal agenda of the out-of-control Democrat Congress!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Obama Plans "a Way to Hell"

Will enough informed and rational thinking Americans wake up and stop Obama before he and the Democrat Congress pushes America over the cliff to economic destruction?

EU Presidency: Obama Plans 'a Way to Hell'

Associated Press, March 25, 2009...

STRASBOURG, France. ...[European Union President Mirek Topolanek] told the European Parliament that President Barack Obama's massive stimulus package and banking bailout "will undermine the stability of the global financial market."

Topolanek's comments are the strongest criticism so far from a European leader as the 27-nation bloc bristles from recent U.S. criticism that it is not spending enough to stimulate demand.

The United States plans to spend heavily to try and lift its economy out of recession with a $787 billion economic stimulus plan of tax rebates, health and welfare benefits, as well as extra energy and infrastructure spending.

To encourage banks to lend again, the government will also pump $1 trillion into the financial system by buying up treasury bonds and mortgage securities in an effort to clear some of the "toxic assets" — devalued and untradeable assets — from banks' balance sheets.

Topolanek bluntly said that "the United States did not take the right path."

He slammed the U.S.' widening budget deficit and protectionist trade measures ... and said that "all of these steps, these combinations and permanency is the way to hell."

"We need to read the history books and the lessons of history and the biggest success of the (EU) is the refusal to go this way," he said.

"Americans will need liquidity to finance all their measures and they will balance this with the sale of their bonds but this will undermine the stability of the global financial market," said Topolanek.

This is what happens when uninformed people elect an inexperienced, slick talking media star for President, backed by an out-of-control Democrat Congress filled with free spending Liberals all determined to force their liberal agenda and Socialism on America -- regardless of the cost and regardless of whom it may hurt or ultimately destroy!

An incompetent government destroying America's inheritance and future...

Is this the change and hope for which Americans voted?


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Taser Terrorists

Tasers have become law enforcement's weapon of choice in America.

Michigan 15-year-old dies after police Taser him.

BAY CITY, Michigan, March 22, 2009.

(AP) -- Police in Michigan say a 15-year-old boy has died after being Tasered by officers who were trying to break up a fight.

A Bay City police news release says officers answered a report of an early morning fight on Sunday. The statement says two males were arguing in an apartment, and one of them "attempted to fight the officers."

Police say officers Tasered him, and his reaction led them to immediately call for emergency medical help. He was pronounced dead at Bay Regional Medical Center.

This would not be happening if these were terrorists being Tasered instead of American citizens.

Liberals are outraged and up-in-arms at the thought of using even loud music or uncomfortable surroundings on terrorists to save American lives, but it's quite okay to routinely zap American citizens with 50,000 volts of electricity from a Taser gun.

Tasers are acceptable and used throughout the U.S. every day on American citizens, even kids. Tasers are obviously not instruments of torture.

Let's use Tasers to interrogate terrorists!


Monday, March 23, 2009

Obama, Driving America Into Bankruptcy

Obama claims he's not governing out of anger...

Associated Press, March 23, 2009...

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama says he cannot "govern out of anger" just because of public outrage over bonuses paid at financial institutions kept afloat by taxpayer dollars.

Obama's declaration came as he pushed for a $3.6 trillion federal budget proposal that already is opposed from within his own party. ...

Senate Republicans warned of deficits that could climb to $20 trillion in coming years and a weakened dollar if Obama and his Democratic allies get their proposal passed. ... even some of Obama's fellow Democrats aren't in favor of the proposal, which ... could generate $9.3 trillion in red ink over the next decade.

... Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., predicted Obama's ambitious $3.6 trillion budget ... would put the country into bankruptcy and would never pass Congress.

"The practical implications of this is bankruptcy for the United States. There's no other way around it," Gregg said.

Oh, but Obama is governing out of anger -- out of the pent up anger from the Liberal Left.

Obama is governing out of his uncontrollable desire and willingness to appease and satisfy the anger of those Liberals -- especially the far Left radical Liberals -- who worked so hard to elect him!

Obama and his Democrat Congress are governing out of incompetence and an irrational determination to impose their Liberal views and agenda on America.

Obama is not concerned about the Democrat's out-of-control and unsustainable deficit spending, the damage to the U.S. dollar, the hyper-inflation waiting just ahead, and the disastrous consequences for American families.

Obama is concerned only about imposing Socialism and his Liberal agenda on America, no matter what the cost -- even if it bankrupts and destroys our nation.

Liberals would like nothing better than to knock the United States out of it's position as the world's last and only remaining super power -- weakening U.S. might and influence around the world -- and making the United States equal with the rest of the third world nations.


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Open Topic

As they say in Oriental restaurants...



Thursday, March 19, 2009

Inflation fears rise as Obama Administration prints money

As people around the world lose confidence in Obama's ability to deal with America's economic crisis, his administration's decision to "turn on the printing presses" and dilute the value of our nation's dollars with more worthless paper has ignited fears of inflation.

Market Watch, March 19, 2009...

Gold rallies 8% as Fed move fuels inflation fears

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Gold futures rallied more than 8% Thursday to end near $960 an ounce, as the Federal Reserve's plans to purchase as much as $1.15 trillion in U.S. bonds and mortgage-backed securities sparked worries of inflation ahead, raising gold's appeal as a hedge against rising prices.

"Looking ahead, we fear inflation. It may be that Dr. Bernankenstein has created a monster beyond his control," said Michael Farr, president of Farr, Miller & Washington, referring to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke.

The U.S. dollar's losses in the wake of the Fed's move also lifted gold prices, with a weaker greenback raising gold's investment appeal.

As Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina noted, March 16, 2009...

... the problem of too much debt cannot be solved with more debt. ...if you print enough of anything, you cheapen it. We’re out there running the printing press essentially on a currency and we’re cheapening it. You can go back to the 1920s with what happened to Argentina. You can go back to the time between World War I and World War II when it happened in the Weimar Republic in Germany. When it happened there, you needed a wheelbarrow load of currency to get so much as a loaf of bread.

We’re nearing a very scary tipping point, the point at which the international markets stop buying our debt. ...we get to that point where they stop buying ...currency free falls, and we have inflation and you just undid all the stimulative efforts that have taken place over this last year. ...

Millions of people out of work... trillions of dollars in out-of-control Democrat spending (signed into law by Obama)... and now, the real prospect of inflation and higher prices -- possibly much higher -- when Americans can least afford it!

Is this the CHANGE Americans wanted and Obama promised?


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Obama: Veterans Pay Their Own Health Care!

More Obama and Democrat incompetence and insanity! ! !

Is this the CHANGE Obama promised?

In the ultimate travesty and slap in the face of America's military, Obama now wants veterans to pay for their own injuries and health care.

“The leader of the nation’s largest veterans organization says he is ‘deeply disappointed and concerned’ after a meeting with President Obama today to discuss a proposal to force private insurance companies to pay for the treatment of military veterans who have suffered service connected disabilities and injuries. The Obama administration recently revealed a plan to require private insurance carriers to reimburse the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in such cases."

"‘It became apparent during our discussion today that the President intends to move forward with this unreasonable plan,’ said Commander David K. Rehbein of The American Legion. ‘He says he is looking to generate $540 million by this method, but refused to hear arguments about the moral and government-avowed obligations that would be compromised by it.’ ”

Obama and his out-of-control Democrats in Congress waste trillions of taxpayer dollars on their Liberal SOCIALISM -- including multi million dollar bonuses to AIG executives and their failed company -- but they can't support America's veterans.

I'm sure it won't take Obama long to refute and spin his statements, claiming (and convincing his mindless minions) that he didn't mean what he said -- another teleprompter malfunction?

Pass it on!


More Worthy of Health Care: Disabled War Vets or Illegal Aliens?

John Lillpop, Tuesday, March 17, 2009

President Obama continues ... his seemingly endless stream of proposals that advance incredibly arrogant, illogical and foolish ideas.

The latest shock concerns the proposal to force private insurance companies to pay for treating disabled veterans.

With this sort of insanity making news on an almost daily basis, reasonable leaders of the Democrat party, if there are any, need to visit the Oval Office and remind Obama that disabled veterans are American heroes, and the very essence of patriotism and sacrifice.

Without contributions made by war veterans, America’s freedom and liberty would be very much in doubt.

President Obama ... would pile additional burden on the backs of the men and women whom have served in harm’s way to defend our great nation.

...why in the hell would the president go after the most noble and worthy citizens in our midst?

Rather than punishing [America's veterans] ... Obama should “go after” the hundreds of billions of taxpayers dollars that are wasted on providing public services to invading illegal aliens who have no business even being in America.

Even lifelong liberals should be capable of seeing the wrong in dumping disabled war veterans while embracing illegal aliens!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Worries Grow Over Obama's Incompetence

Worries grow that Barack Obama & Co. have a competence problem...

The article touches on but a few of the many issues (with more everyday) beginning to tarnish Obama's image and cult status as more and more Americans start to question and doubt.

... doubts. ... competency of the White House. ...doubts about Obama himself. ... eloquence is wearing thin ... his actions are often disconnected from his words ... lack of administrative experience ... promises and policies contradict each other ... evidence of hypocrisy ... speech about earmark reform just after he quietly signed ... bill that had about 9,000 earmarks in it. ...denounced Bush's ...signing statements, then issued one himself.

... increasingly don't like his policies. ...vast spending hikes and plans for more ... [82%] worried about the deficit and 69% worried about the rapid growth of government ... expect their own taxes will go up as a result, despite the President's promises to the contrary.

... appalling tax problems ... fumbling presentations ...still the market waits for his answer to the banks' toxic assets. ... didn't know of Freeman's intemperate criticism of Israel and his praise of China's massacre at Tiananmen Square, or that it didn't care. ...doubts about the motives [of Pelosi and Reid] ...

Still we aren't seeing any real directed, managed, and coordinated effort by Republicans or Conservatives to highlight and use these and other negative issues and views to erode Obama's popularity and create a negative (or at least a less positive) opinion of his motives and actions, and of him personally. Negative "attacks" work!

... before you consciously know it, the message [from negative ads] takes hold of your brain. You may not want it to, but it works just about instantly. ... [negative] ad's effects on the brain "are actually shocking," says UCLA psychiatry professor Dr. Marco Iacoboni. ... viewers lost empathy for their own candidate once he was attacked.

... after people had seen a flurry of negative ads ... empathy for their own candidates just disappeared, indicating they no longer identified so much with their candidate. The more you are bombarded by ads, the more you are going to be affected ...

Don't think of ads only in the traditional sense. Think of it more as a "campaign" including increased emails, blogging, letters to editors, calls to talk shows, talk shows themselves, off-hand remarks at local stores and restaurants, comments to friends, etc.

Republicans must be more particular, careful, and "civil" in their anti-Obama campaign, but those Conservative individuals and groups not associated with the GOP can and must open up and let 'em have it!

Until people begin to see Obama for the slick talking socialist he really is, his image begins to tarnish, and he is knocked off his pedestal, we can't stop his agenda.

It's up to Conservatives to unite and make that happen!


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Testing Obama can get us killed!

Cuba, Venezuela may host Russian bombers!

Associated Press, March 14, 2009...

MOSCOW - A Russian Air Force chief said Saturday that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has offered an island as a temporary base for strategic Russian bombers, the Interfax news agency reported.

The chief of staff of Russia's long range aviation, Maj. Gen. Anatoly Zhikharev, also said Cuba could be used to base the aircraft, Interfax reported.

Zhikharev said Chavez had offered "a whole island with an airdrome, which we can use as a temporary base for strategic bombers," the agency reported. "If there is a corresponding political decision, then the use of the island ... by the Russian Air Force is possible."

As Vice-President Biden predicted during the campaign:

"Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama ... Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. ... I promise you it will occur. ... I guarantee you it's gonna happen. ...it's not gonna be apparent that we're right. ...They may emanate from Russia..."

Our enemies know Liberals like Obama are weak and soft on defense.

Our enemies know Obama and his Liberal Democrat members in Congress would rather waste time appeasing our enemies and talking nice to them than make the hard decisions, and take the real and necessary actions to protect the United States, and you, and your family.

As Vice-President Biden said...

It's just a matter of time! ! !


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Democrats Started The Economic Crisis...

From The American Thinker: Here's What's Happening to the Economy, By Randall Hoven, March 12, 2009.

[The beginning of] the avalanche, the housing crisis, can be laid at the feet of Democrats almost entirely...

"Andrew Cuomo, the youngest Housing and Urban Development secretary in history, made a series of decisions between 1997 and 2001 that gave birth to the country's current crisis. ... helped plunge Fannie and Freddie into the subprime markets without putting in place the means to monitor their increasingly risky investments. He turned the Federal Housing Administration mortgage program into a sweetheart lender with sky-high loan ceilings and no money down, and he legalized what a federal judge has branded "kickbacks" to brokers that have fueled the sale of overpriced and unsupportable loans. Three to four million families are now facing foreclosure, and Cuomo is one of the reasons why."

Republicans tried to stop this... New York Times word if you prefer.

"The Bush administration is rightly pushing for the Treasury Department to regulate the two giants, along with the network of federal home loan banks. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae provide financing to lenders by creating a secondary market for mortgages... Their current regulator is ill equipped to keep tabs on Freddie's and Fannie's sophisticated hedging strategies and the other financial moves they use to manage their huge investments."

But Democrats manned and womanned the barricades and stopped such regulation attempts. Here was Barney Frank in 2003:

"These two entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are not facing any kind of financial crisis. The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."

We've been spending about a trillion dollars a month since this started happening. What do we have for it? Lehman Brothers is still broke. AIG, who received over $150B from the government already, is also broke. Everybody and everything is broke. Nothing is fixed. And no one seems to be fixing anything.

Since Obama was elected president, the markets have tanked another 30% or so, much of which is due to investor's fears over Obama's socialist agenda.

Is this the change you voted for?


Obama's multi-trillion dollar giveaway...


Does anyone know what the equivalent cost of Obama's multi-trillion dollar giveaway will be to each taxpayer or each family?

Putting it differently, how much would each person or family receive if all that money were distributed directly to the people?

I've heard figures all over the spectrum, from $10,000 to $25,000 to $35,000 to as much as $250,000, depending on whether it's per individual or per family, and whether it includes only taxpayers who actually pay taxes or everyone.



Cost So Far of Financial Bailout...

The New York Times did some taxpayer-bailout number crunching and found that through March 2, the government has made commitments of $9 trillion (that's $9,000,000,000,000) to support the struggling financial system, and actually so far spent $2.1 trillion (that's $2,100,000,000,000), on investments (purchases of assets), loans and insurance or guarantees.

...FOX Business’ Team Washington finds that the U.S. has spent $18,584 per household to shore up the financial system, and has committed a total of $79,646 per household. (What else would your share of the bailout buy?) ... We're sure the average belly-upped subprime borrower had all intentions of repaying his or her loan, too.

In addition to this spending to cure what ails the finance sector, the U.S. is planning to spend $6,965 per household to stimulate the economy.

What Can $79,646 Buy?

3 years of tuition and fees at the average private college, according to the College Board: $75,429

A Mercedes CLS550 Coupe:$70,700

A 995 sq. ft. 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom home in Cleveland, OH:$78,900

A used 2004 Kolb Sport 600 float plane:$75,000

1,680 barrels of oil:$79,077

6 (six) 2009 Chevy Aveo sedans:$75,750


Sunday, March 08, 2009

Let's try this again...

Not to beat that proverbial dead horse, but...

When I say the Right must establish the equivalent of MoveOn.Org and KOS, must analyze and understand their tactics, and must use many of those same tactics and techniques, that's but one of many approaches, actions, and tactics the Right must employ -- not the only one, and not necessarily one the GOP or the majority of Conservatives should use.

At this time, it would be counterproductive (and probably a disaster) for the GOP to use those tactics directly against Obama, or even encourage and condone them. In view of Obama's "current" popularity and near cult status, Liberals and Democrats would most certainly, and very effectively, redirect those attacks back on the GOP. Any such effort must be independent of the GOP, just as MoveOn.Org and KOS worked largely outside of, or at best, on the far left fringe of the Democrat Party... until their views and agenda became more accepted by a growing majority.

"RightOn.Org" can take the heat and hatred that will be directed against them, as long as they can dissociate their effort and actions from Republicans and the GOP. The GOP can't take the attacks without losing support and more voters.

On a tangent, that's why I think Steele may have been correct in distancing the GOP from Limbaugh -- at this time; why I think Steele may have been wrong in "apologizing" for his statements -- at this time; and and why I think Rush should distance himself more from the GOP -- at this time. Behind the scenes, however, Rush and Steele should still be friends and allies, but recognize reality and the current political environment.

(I'm not totally sure, however, that my views on Rush and Steele are correct. I might change my mind after a more thorough analysis and discussion on the issue.)

Now, forget about "RightOn.Org"...

There are many things Republicans and Conservatives can do, and tactics they can use without creating the problems associated with a "RightOn.Org".

When I talk about needing "experts in marketing and propaganda" (and effective writers) and sending out a series of short and concise e-mails, that doesn't mean I think, or that I'm suggesting, Republicans and Conservatives should start the type of e-mail campaign a RightOn.Org might conduct.

Now, carving the elephant into bite sized pieces (no pun intended)...

Does anyone think a concerted e-mail campaign could be used effectively by Conservatives and the GOP?

If so, how might it be done?

By whom?