Thursday, May 07, 2009

Obama sends American troops to war without the equipment they need to fight!

The Associated Press is reporting that the Obama administration is sending thousands of U.S. troops to Afghanistan without the equipment they need to fight the Taliban; although, the Obama administration is "concerned" about the problem.

Where are the reports from the media -- newspapers, television networks, and the Internet -- about Obama sending American troops to fight a war without the necessary equipment? Where are the calls from Congress for an investigation into why Obama is sending American troops into a war zone without the equipment they need? Where is the outrage from the Democrats and their Left-Wing Liberals over more troops being sent to fight the war?

Come on you Democrats, Liberals, and anti-war Left-Wingers, can't we get just a little outrage here? Just a tiny bit? A smidgen? You don't have to hit Obama with the full load of your outrage and hate like you did to President Bush!

There are some reporting that Obama is managing to lose the war in Afghanistan -- no surprise there! After all, Obama did manage to anger North Korea into restarting its nuclear weapons program, and somehow, managed to get the inspectors thrown out of the country -- no surprise there! And now, with Obama at the helm, the Taliban are taking large areas in Pakistan, with the real possibility the Taliban and Osama bin Laden could get their hands on one or more nuclear missiles; even though, Obama doesn't "think" that is "too likely" to happen "at this time" -- no surprise there!

All of this should be no surprise to anyone with a little common sense (largely lacking on the Left). Obama's weak stand, constant America-bashing, continual apologizing, and poor judgment will likely lead to even more fighting and deaths -- in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and around the world.

Our enemies and the bad guys around the world know that under Obama's weak "leadership" America will do little to stop them other than talk. Even Vice President Biden warned Americans the world would "test" Obama, and it wouldn't be apparent that Obama's decisions were correct. At least we do get some truth when Joe's allowed to say what he thinks!

And what does Obama do as threats of a possible rogue missile launch increase by the day? Why, the Obama administration denied the military's request to conduct a live test of a critical radar of the missile defense system for fear of "provoking" North Korea. Can't Obama understand it's North Korea doing the provoking? Apparently not!

Adding to his incompetence, Obama next cuts funding from the very missile defense system we need to protect us and our allies from a rogue nuclear missile strike. Then, believing all Americans are incapable of seeing through his smoke, mirrors, and snake oil sales pitches, Obama tries to mislead and snow the American people into believing those are big savings compared to the trillions of dollars he and his out-of-control Democrat Congress are spending like those proverbial drunken sailors!

We ask for answers, but all we get from Obama are more misleading and wishy-washy non-answers like: we don't anticipate... we don't foresee... we don't believe that's likely (at this time) ...we aren't planning (at this time) ...we don't think (at this time) ...we don't know (at this time).

Why should it be any surprise that the Obama administration don't know what they are doing in Afghanistan when they "claim" they didn't even know the White House sent Obama's Air Force One back-up jet on a mission to buzz New York City and scare the daylights out of its citizens!

And have we forgotten Obama's campaign promise to capture or kill Osama bin Laden? Obama has had over 100 days now to do just that, but all we here if more talk, talk, talk!

But then, the one thing Obama is good at is talking!


Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Specter: A tale of turncoats and broken promises!

Senator Arlen Specter said that prior to making his decision to switch to the Democrats, Senate Majority Leader Reid guaranteed him that he would retain his seniority on committees, to include a pledge that Specter would become the next chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

Now that Democrats have passed a resolution making Specter the most junior member on most committees, Reid said he never gave any such guarantees to Specter, saying he thought Specter understood the issue was always going to be left up to the rest of the Democratic caucus.

Perhaps Democrats don't really see Specter as one of them. Perhaps Democrats see how Specter used the Republican party through the years to get re-elected, and then turned against them on key issues and votes. Perhaps Democrats don't trust a turncoat who would abandon his party for his own personal gain, after realizing that his chances of being re-elected as a Republican this time were slim to none... because he repeatedly opposed the views of the Republican voters who elected him!

Specter and the Democrats deserve each other. Personally I wouldn't trust Specter either, whether a Republican or Democrat, but Democrats are stuck with him now, and they'd better calm down, make him happy, and watch out -- or Specter may turn on them too!

As for Specter's judgment, didn't he learn anything about Liberals and Democrats during his 30 years in the Senate? Never, ever believe or trust a Democrat, particularly a Liberal Democrat, on anything, but especially when it involves security -- yours or our nation's!


Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Government Waste: $400,000 to Study Sex and Drinking Habits of Homosexuals in Argentina

More information not getting out to the American taxpayers and voters...

Each time we think we've seen it all, the government comes up with yet another even more idiotic and creatively stupid way to throw our tax dollars down the sewer -- in Argentina, the Dominican Republic, China, and who knows where else!

As long as the government is throwing away our tax dollars, why not just throw in another million or two and study the sex and mating habits of South American cockroaches!

According to NIH, this "project" will cost $403,902 -- at least!

Feds Will Spend $400,000 to Study Drinking and Sex Habits of Homosexuals in Argentina

Monday, May 04, 2009

( – The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is funding a study that seeks to discover a link between drinking and having sex among homosexuals in Argentina.

The study will send researchers to six bars in Buenos Aires to interview both patrons and proprietors in an effort to discover what it is about those bars that may encourage the risky behavior.

The study’s primary focus is to determine the relationship among drinking, bars frequented by homosexuals, and risky sexual behavior to see if certain bars in Argentina might be good targets for HIV-prevention campaigns.

“Targeting public venues in Buenos Aires where men meet, alcohol is consumed, and sexual behavior occurs, the goal of this two-year exploratory study is to understand the various factors that contribute to the creation of a high-risk sexual space,” the study’s abstract explains.

While the study is being conducted in Argentina, it is being funded with U.S. tax dollars. The grant recipients--who could not be reached for comment -- say in the abstract that information gathered in the bars in Argentina might help inform similar efforts in America.

The study is among a number funded by the NIAAA to examine the relationship between drinking and the spread of HIV, including a study of tourism, prostitution, and HIV in the Dominican Republic and another study examining drinking and HIV among prostitutes in China.

If the "information gathered in the bars in Argentina might help inform similar efforts in America," then why not conduct the study in America?

Do we really need to spend over $400,000 in American tax dollars to tell us what Americans already know... that drinking contributes to poor judgement and can lead to risky sex? !

Do we really need another study to tell us what we already know... that risky sex can lead to sexually transmitted diseases... just one of which is HIV and AIDS? !

It's a well known fact that the more money a person, organization, or the government is given, the more waste and abuse will occur, and nowhere is that more true than with the government.

As anyone who has ever worked for the government knows, this is exactly what happens when the government is allowed to take your tax dollars and "redistribute" them to others whom the government determines is more deserving of your hard earned tax dollars that you!

It's time for another TEA party, but most of all it's time to kick the wasteful and out-of-control politicians and bureaucrats out of Washington!

Cut the waste! ...Cut the spending! ...Cut the taxes!


Monday, May 04, 2009

Obama's Spanish Inquisition!

REAL and PATRIOTIC Americans... Stand up and "explain" to Obama and his Left-Wing Liberal Democrats that this is America -- not some providence or puppet of the U.N. or one of it's anti-American minions!

REAL and PATRIOTIC Americans... Stand up and "explain" to Obama what any red blooded Americans believes: America will not tolerate, participate in, support, or provide any "evidence" or information to the U.N. or any other nation to conduct show trials of President Bush, the American military, our intelligence agencies, or anyone else in the administration who successfully protected the United States and American citizens from more terrorist attacks!

Obama still believes he was elected president or emperor of the world, rather than the United States. After releasing our nation's secrets to our enemies, Obama's Democrat Attorney General now says the Obama Administration may cooperate with these show trials and even provide them with evidence to use against our own government officials... reported...

In speaking to reporters Wednesday, Holder also said it is possible the United States could cooperate with a foreign court's investigation of Bush administration officials.

Holder spoke before the announcement that a Spanish magistrate had opened an investigation of Bush officials on harsh interrogation methods. Holder didn't rule out cooperating in such a probe.

"Obviously, we would look at any request that would come from a court in any country and see how and whether we should comply with it," Holder said.

"This is an administration that is determined to conduct itself by the rule of law and to the extent that we receive lawful requests from an appropriately created court, we would obviously respond to it," he said.

Power Line commented...

Spanish magistrate Baltasar Garzon has launched an inquisition into America's treatment of terrorist detainees. Now Attorney General Eric Holder says the Obama administration may choose to cooperate with such kangaroo investigations.

If the Attorney General of the United States once accepts the absurdity that a Spanish court and Spanish judge, Baltasar Garzón, sitting in Spain and operating under Spanish law, actually have jurisdiction over American officials making official policy decisions inside the United States about how American military and intelligence agents can interrogate detainees at an American Marine Corps base inside Cuba... then how can Holder later limit such jurisdiction to "evidentiary requests?"

If we ever once accept that a European court -- and not even a recognized "international" one! -- has jurisdiction over actions committed by American officials ... then we have crossed a line from which we can never retreat: The United States will cease to be a sovereign power.

Sometimes you get the feeling that's what some Democrats want.

If Spain, the U.N., or any other nation wants to try our government officials for protecting America and our citizens, then they should send their military to arrest and drag them to the inquisitions...

America's Marines and military will meet them at our shore... or sooner!

If Obama supports and condones these foreign inquisitions, then...