Thursday, June 25, 2009

North Korea or Iran could nuke the U.S.

Not only does North Korea now have a missile and nuclear warhead that puts Guam and Japan within range of a nuclear strike, but possibly the U.S. mainland and Europe as well!

At least one of North Korea's nuclear capable missiles can be launched from a mobile launcher which can be carried on board a ship or barge in international waters and strike every city within the U.S.   The same is or will soon be true of Iran, which is known to be receiving military assistance from North Korea.

Obama and the Democrats want Americans to believe it will be years before North Korea or Iran can strike or blackmail the U.S., Europe, Israel, and our allies with a nuclear missile, but that is not the case, especially if missiles are launched from barges or ships.

Even worse than the destruction of a major U.S. city, would be a nuclear missile detonated over the U.S. to create an Electromagnetic Pulse which would essentially disable our entire nation!

And what is Obama's strategy?   First, Obama's administration blocked testing of a key missile defense radar during North Korea's last missile launch. Then Obama reduced needed funding for the missile defense system.   Mostly, Obama just talks, and talks, and talks!

Biden warned Americans our enemies would test Obama, and further warned that "'s not going to be apparent that we're right."

Will the American people wake up before Obama's continued talk and weak responses lead to a nuclear attack?

Contact your Senators and Representatives and ask them to vote against Obama's plans to cut and weaken America's missile defense system.